This book id on Kindle and will be in book form real soon.
Description of Unexplained Hauntings:
This book is a collection of things seen, heard, smelled, or even stories that are unexplainable.
In my opinion I just don’t know about ghost, and spirits, but according to the Holy Bible there is evil spirits, and of course the Holy Spirit a faction of God.
These stories certainly open up a reason to investigate or just let the spirit alone. The Bible also says not to deal with the spirit world.
It is interesting to hear these unexplainable things and wonder about such things.
In my time and place we have ghost hunters and groups that follow after the possible spirits that for some reason were left on the earth when their body died.
So many people have said they saw, heard, or even smelled things around battle fields, old buildings and cemeteries.
I give you the stories, you decide what you believe.
Description of Unexplained Hauntings:
This book is a collection of things seen, heard, smelled, or even stories that are unexplainable.
In my opinion I just don’t know about ghost, and spirits, but according to the Holy Bible there is evil spirits, and of course the Holy Spirit a faction of God.
These stories certainly open up a reason to investigate or just let the spirit alone. The Bible also says not to deal with the spirit world.
It is interesting to hear these unexplainable things and wonder about such things.
In my time and place we have ghost hunters and groups that follow after the possible spirits that for some reason were left on the earth when their body died.
So many people have said they saw, heard, or even smelled things around battle fields, old buildings and cemeteries.
I give you the stories, you decide what you believe.